How to order Signature Immunologics products
Signature Immunologics Incorporated provides its products solely through
the following distributors.
SKU# | Product Name | Millipore Cat # | Abcam Cat # |
A100 | anti-L-alanine | ab9436 | |
B100 | anti-agmatine (AGB) | ab1568-2000 | |
D100 | anti-L-aspartate | ab9439 | |
E100 | anti-L-glutamate | AB5018 | ab9440 |
G100 | anti-glycine | AB5020 | ab9442 |
J100 | anti-glutathione | AB5010 | ab9443 |
Q100 | anti-L-glutamine | AB5012 | ab9445 |
TT100 | anti-taurine | AB5022 | ab9448 |
YY100 | anti-GABA | AB5016 | ab9446 |
cB100 | chicken anti-agmatine | ab62667 | |
cYY100 | chicken anti-GABA | ab62669 | |
cE100 | chicken anti-glutamate | ab62668 |