Muscle: Rabbit abdominal rectus
Muscle: Rabbit abdominal rectus
Tissue: rabbit abdominal rectus |
Fixation: 250 mM glutaraldehdye, 333 mM paraformaldehyde in 0.1 M phosphate buffer, 3% sucrose |
Format: 4 registered 250 nm deplasticized resin sections |
Probes: anti-taurine, anti-glycine, anti-glutamine, anti-glutamate |
Caption: Skeletal muscle displays several metabolic phenotypes as demonstrated by registered images of glutamate, glutamine, taurine and glycine signals. Combined taurine=red, glutamine=green, glutamate=blue mapping reveal subsets of fiber types. Statistical theme maps constructed from K-means clustering results displays fiber phenotypes as map colors: high taurine/moderate glutamine = rose; high glutamine/high taurine = grey; low taurine, low glutamine = beige. |
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