Retina: AGB mapping of AMPA/NMDA responses of retinal neurons
Retina: AGB mapping of AMPA/NMDA responses of retinal neurons
Tissue: rabbit retina / vertical sections |
Fixation: 250 mM glutaraldehdye, 333 mM paraformaldehyde in 0.1 M phosphate buffer, 3% sucrose |
Format: 3 sets of registered serial triplets, 250 nm deplasticized, resin sections |
Caption: AMPA-activated AGB signals and concurrent GABA, AGB and glutamate signals
viewed as GABA:AGB:GLU = RED:GREEN:BLUE mappings in rabbit retina after
incubation in Ames medium + 5 mM AGB in presence and absence of glutamate
receptor agonists.
Data from: Marc RE 1999 Mapping glutamatergic drive in the vertebrate retina with a channel permeant
organic cation. J. Comp. Neurol. 407:47-64. (B) Control. Note the absence of significant basal AGB labeling. In the presence of 5 mM AGB both GABA and glutamate signals are indistinguishable from normal retina. (D) 100 µM AMPA: Horizontal (h+),bipolar (b+) and amacrine cell (a+) and inner plexiform layer signals are activated. Despite activation of some cells, certain bipolar (b-) and amacrine cells (a-) are either weakly or completely unresponsive to AMPA. (E) 1000 µM NMDA: A saturating dose of NMDA activates many elements in the amacrine cell and ganglion cell layers; horizontal and bipolar cells are unresponsive. Abbreviations: a, amacrine cells; b, bipolar cells; h, horizontal cells; Müller cells; mf, Müller cell foot pieces; g, ganglion cell. Scale: 50 µm. |
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